Celebrity gossip hunting can sometimes get dangerous for the reporter as well as for the celebrity. We are not unaware of the dangers associated with the paparazzi tailing a celeb as she gets out of a restaurant with her partner. Celeb gossip reporters can go to any lengths to uncover a scandal. You cannot blame them because there is a whole chunk of readers feeding on entertainment news. They know that if they don't do the dirty work, someone else will. When there is a demand, they have to supply or perish.
The danger lies not just in the paparazzi chasing the celebrity. The danger also lies in what is written about the celebrity. An inauthentic report about an alleged affair in a celebrity gossip portal can actually forge a dent in the relationship. Celeb gossip sites, at least some of them, cook up facts and forge documents to make the readers believe that there is truth and fact in their news story. It's not easy for a celebrity spouse or partner to ignore such a report. In a world where relationships are fragile by themselves, celeb gossip sites make them more uncertain.
There are those times when innocent members of a celebrity's life are dragged into the limelight by the celebrity gossip sites. The members could be children of the celebrities at logger heads or it could be parents or the circle of family and friends. Life becomes tough for these people who have nothing to do with fame and the celebrity status. But that status is thrust upon them by the celeb gossip sites. Recently you have Tiger Woods apologizing to the school his daughter studying in. After his sex scandal came to light, you had these teams of paparazzi scouring the school, looking to spot either Tiger or Elin.
Things are not all hunky dory for the celebrity gossip sites either. They have to be careful about what they write at all times. Since they are dealing with people who have money and power, they have to be sure that they don't rub them the wrong way. Celeb gossip sites are slapped with lawsuits and legal notices every now and then. There are libel issues that the entertainment sites have to deal with on a regular basis. Sometimes their sources turn them in, sometimes there is some misunderstanding and the celebrity claims that the words in the interview have been misconstrued. Then the publication is under the scanner and at the receiving end of legal action. If they lose the legal suit, they have to pay millions in damages.
This bitter-sweet relationship between celebrity gossip sites and the celebrities has continued for years. With the coming of online celeb gossip sites and real-time updates, the relationship is now deeper than ever. The dangerous hankering for entertainment news has diminished a little with the celebrities updating their social networking profile pages on Facebook and Twitter with the updates in their lives. Celebrities realize that being public figures, they cannot escape the glare of the paparazzi.
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